Darth Vader is a central character in the Star Wars franchise, known for his imposing presence and complex backstory. Originally a Jedi Knight named Anakin Skywalker, he falls to the dark side and becomes a Sith Lord, serving Emperor Palpatine. Vader is recognized for his deep voice, heavy breathing, and iconic black armor. His character arc explores themes of redemption, power, and the struggle between good and evil.
For more detailed information, you can explore the following links:
– [Star Wars Official Site – Darth Vader](https://www.starwars.com/characters/darth-vader)
– [Wikipedia – Darth Vader](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Darth_Vader)
– [Star Wars Character Biography](https://www.starwars.com/databank/darth-vader)Continue reading at source website